written on 14 Nov 2019

Continuation Local Storage for easy context passing in Node.js

Recently I’ve been working on a Node.js project where we needed to keep track of which requests were generating calls to some other pieces of code. Passing a request identifier around was not viable since it would require changing too many APIs.

We solved the problem using cls-hooked, a small package that uses the async_hooks experimental Node.js API to implement Continuation Local Storage.

What is Continuation Local Storage?

Some languages have Thread Local Storage. This is a way to attach global data to the thread itself. Due to the asynchronous and single-threaded nature of Node.js, this is not useful. Instead, we use Continuation Local Storage (CLS).

CLS is a mechanism that allows the attachment of data to the current asynchronous execution context. It uses async_hooks to keep track of asynchronous context changes and to load and unload the data associated with it.

Building an Express middleware

First, we need to create a namespace. Namespaces are a way to scope global data, so we don’t get values from somebody else. We make a namespace with the createNamespace function.

const { createNamespace } = require('cls-hooked');

const ns = createNamespace('myApp');

Our express middleware will be pretty straightforward. We will generate an uuid and store it in the namespace.

const requestIdMiddleware = (req, res, next) => {
  ns.run(() => {
    ns.set('requestId', uuid());

As you can see, the set method is invoked within a run block. The requestId value will be available from any code inside that run block, which is why we are also calling next() inside the run block. Calling next() inside the run block will make the requestId available for any other middleware and controller in our express application.

We can now build our complete express application and use the requestId anywhere:

const express = require('express');
const { createNamespace } = require('cls-hooked');
const uuid = require('uuid/v4');

const ns = createNamespace('myApp');
const requestIdMiddleware = (req, res, next) => {
  ns.run(() => {
    ns.set('requestId', uuid());

const app = express();

app.get('/', (req, res) => {
  console.log(`[${ns.get('requestId')}] request received`);
  res.send('It works!');

const port = process.env.PORT || 3000;
app.listen(port, () => console.log(`Express server listening on port ${port}`));

A word on performance

Even though the solution presented above is clean and requires little coding, it has a significant drawback; The usage of the async_hooks API.

The async_hooks API is still experimental, so it could change in the future. What is worse is that enabling it has a considerable impact on performance. This is currently being discussed in this GitHub issue.

Benedikt Meurer wrote this great benchmark comparing performances with and without async_hooks enabled. If you are writing critical code, you probably want to avoid async_hooks. You will also want to stay away from async_hooks if you’re writing a library since you could impact performance for your users just for your convenience. If the problem you’re dealing with does not match either of these scenarios, CLS may be a great way of making things simpler.
